Which Type Of TV Lasts The Longest?

Considering how often we use our TVs, it only stands to reason that we would want them to last as long as possible. With a more durable TV, we can enjoy our favourite shows and films for longer, without having to worry about sourcing out a suitable replacement.

However, with so much choice in the TV market, it can be difficult to tell which TV will give you the greatest mileage, and last the longest. Does an OLED TV last longer than a QLED TV? Is a Samsung TV more durable than an LG TV?

Are you on the hunt for a TV that will become a permanent fixture in your living room? Then you have come to the right place! Today, we are going to take you through all of the major types of TV, to help you to choose one that will last you years to come!

What Type Of TV Lasts The Longest?

In order to find out which type of TV lasts the longest, it would be pertinent to take a look at how long distinct types of TV tend to last.


Studies have shown that OLED TVs tend to last for well over ten years, provided they are adequately maintained and cared for! One of the key secrets behind OLED’s longevity is its lack of a backlight. 4K OLED TVs make use of special pixels that are self-illuminating. This means that the pixels provide their own light, and they are able to turn on and off as needed.

Backlights naturally produce a lot of energy, which results in them degrading at a much faster rate. The lack of a backlight helps to significantly extend the lifespan of an OLED TV.

However, if you want your OLED TV to last a full ten years, you need to provide it with adequate care. OLED TVs are physically fragile, so you will want to keep them somewhere safe and secure, away from young children, or other potential dangers. OLED screens are also susceptible to burn-in, thanks to the self-illuminating pixels, so you will want to avoid leaving static images on the screen for too long.

Is OLED Good For Long Term?

Absolutely. OLED TVs are highly durable, and able to last much longer. This is thanks to the fact that they lack a backlight. Backlights can degrade at a much faster rate than the self-illuminating pixels of an OLED TV. The only risk to OLED TVs is that they are overpowered. When OLED TVs are overpowered, the individual pixels run the risk of burning out. Provided you take care of your OLED TV, it can be great for the long term!


If an OLED TV can last for around 100,000 hours of total use, then a 4K QLED TVs is generally expected to last around 70,000 hours of total use, depending on how often you use it.

If you were to use a QLED TV every single day, for multiple hours at a time, then it would more likely last around 70,000 total hours. The main reason behind QLED’s slightly shorter lifespan is its use of a backlight. In order to help the vibrant colours of a QLED screen to pop, a backlight provides plenty of bright light. If the brightness of the backlight is set to a particularly high level, then it will degrade at a faster rate.

The best way to help a QLED TV to last longer is to lower the brightness when in use.

Despite not lasting quite as long through frequent use, QLED TVs still last a significant length of time, often reaching well over seven years!


Although 4K LED TVs have largely been usurped by OLED and QLED TVs, they are still very popular options within the TV marketplace. However, LED TVs tend to have slightly shorter lifespans, of around 4 to 6 years.

However, once again, if you weren’t using the TV for numerous hours every day, then you could expect an LED display to last a lot longer! The lifespan can also be lengthened by simply lowering the brightness of the backlight.


The total lifespan of a 4K TV will ultimately depend on whether it is making use of LED, OLED, or QLED technology.

OLED TVs tend to last the longest, over ten years, thanks to the lack of a backlight, which will degrade with time. QLED TVs tend to last around seven years, while LED TVs tend to last just over 6 years, thanks to their inclusion of a backlight.

However, the lifespan of an average 4K TV will largely depend on the brightness of the screen, and how often it is used. A 4K TV that is well cared for could last well over ten years!


8K TVs largely last just as long as 4K TVs, with the total lifespan varying depending on how often the TV is used, how long it is used for in a single session, and whether it is OLED, QLED, or LED.

8K TVs may potentially last for slightly fewer total hours, thanks to the fact that they employ the use of double the number of pixels of a 4K TV.

4K and 8K TVs have the capacity to last for more than ten years, as long as they are cared for. To help a 4K or 8K TV to last, make sure to keep the brightness down, and turn the screen off when not in use!

Large TV

Does Size Affect How Long A TV Will Last?

Size will only slightly affect the total lifespan of a TV. Obviously, the larger the TV, the more power it will consume, in order to provide enough light to display such a larger image. Smaller TVs, on the other hand, will consume slightly less energy.

As such, larger 98 inch TVs won’t last quite as long as smaller 32 inch TVs.

However, larger screen sizes only tend to account for a small number of TV failures, so don’t be put off from maximising the size of your TV to create the ultimate entertainment centre!

Which Brand Offers The Most Durable TV?

There are a number of leading brands in the world of TVs, each offering their own unique sets of features. As such, the total lifespans of various TVS offered by these brands can vary massively. Let’s take a look at these leading brands.


Samsung is one of the leading names when it comes to tech. Not only do they produce amazing smartphones that compete with the likes of Apple, but also amazing TVs that help to bring perfect fidelity to the masses.

Because of the significant tech employed in Samsung 4K TVs, the total lifespan of any particular model can vary. Again, this comes down to the type of display the TV is using, as well as the total resolution of the screen.

Samsung TVs are jam-packed with top-of-the-range tech, which may consume slightly more power. However, Samsung TVs are renowned for their excellent construction, making use of only the best components that are built to last.

Samsung are a great option if you want a TV that can last for ten years or more!


LG TVs are also designed to last upwards of ten years, with plenty of care. This is further helped by the excellent materials that LG uses to construct their line of TVs. LG focuses on making use of recycled materials to produce their TVs, so not only can you depend on an LG TV to be highly durable, but you can also depend on it to help save the planet!

If you want to further help the longevity of the planet, and your LG TV, then you should make sure to turn the unit off when not in use!


TCL does not have a remarkable lifespan above ten years, with most TCL TVs lasting around seven years. However, to make up for this, TCL televisions are incredibly affordable. This makes them great when looking for the best TV deals.

TCL televisions are also made of high-quality materials, so you can depend on them to stand the test of time physically.


When it comes to overall construction, Philips are one of the best TV manufacturers in the world. Not only are Philips 4K TVs built to be incredibly durable on the outside, but also on the inside. No matter what you use a Philips TV for, you can depend on it to last you for well over ten years.

TV Brightness

How To Extend The Life Of A TV

Whether you’ve just purchased a new TV, or you’re strongly considering it, there are a few things that you are going to want to keep in mind, to help your TV last much longer than even its expected lifespan!

Display Your TV Properly

How you choose to display your TV will not only affect the overall vibe of a living space but also how safe your TV is.

If you have young children running around, or you are otherwise worried about your TV being bumped into, then we would recommend mounting your TV to the wall or placing it within a closing cabinet.

No matter where you choose to display your TV, you will want to make sure to place it somewhere with plenty of ventilation. Don’t forget that those vents on the back of your screen are there for a reason! You want to make sure that plenty of air can reach all areas of your TV so that it does not run the risk of overheating.

And make sure to quickly dust around your TV at least once a week, to keep dust from finding its way into the vents!

Turn Down Your Brightness

Higher brightnesses can help with contrast and can help to make colours on the screen pop much more. The only problem is that significant brightness makes use of more electricity, which then puts a strain on the circuits within any TV.

Significant brightness can also be dangerous for OLED screens, as it increases the likelihood of burn-in. And when it comes to backlit televisions, you will want to keep in mind that higher brightnesses will lead to quicker degradation of the backlight.

Turn Off Your TV As Much As Possible

Don’t forget that your TV needs plenty of rest too! After a long binge-watching session, it’s a good idea to allow your TV plenty of time to rest and recover. This helps to protect the integrity of the screen, whether it’s preventing burn-in on an OLED TV, or protecting the backlight of a QLED TV.

Turning off your TV often also helps to protect the internal components and circuit boards, by allowing them plenty of time to cool down.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which TV Lasts Longer LED or LCD?

LED TVs generally tend to last longer than LCD TVs. The reason for this is that LED TVs tend to be made of higher quality components, and involve high-quality construction. While this does increase the price of the TV, it results in better longevity. LCD TVs, on the other hand, tend to be cheaper, and thus less is invested in their longevity.

Can TV Last 10 Years?

In most cases, there’s no reason why a TV should not be able to last for ten years. Even TVs on the cheaper end of the spectrum can be made to last ten years, provided they are cared for adequately. Just make sure to treat your TV with respect, and you can easily depend on it to last numerous years!

Can OLED Last 10 Years?

An OLED TV can easily last more than 10 years. OLED TVs are some of the most durable displays on the market. However, you’ll need to take good care of them. To help an OLED TV last for more than 10 years, you’ll want to keep the brightness down, and to turn it off as soon as you finish using it.

Does OLED or QLED Last Longer?

OLED TVs tend to last a lot longer than QLED TVs. The reason for this is that OLED TVs are self-illuminated. By this, we mean that each of the many pixels on the screen provides its own light. A QLED screen, on the other hand, depends on a backlight, which will degrade faster through frequent use.

Does LED Or QLED Last Longer?

Generally, it’s been found that LED TVs last a little bit longer than QLED TVs. QLED TVs need to use up a lot of electricity to generate a good backlight. This means that QLED TVs are more likely to degrade at a faster rate. If you want your QLED TV to last, it’s best to lower the brightness!

Is It Bad To Leave An OLED TV On All Day?

We would recommend that you avoid leaving any TV on for more than 24 hours! Leaving a TV powered on for 24 hours leads to very heavy power consumption, which will put a significant strain on the internal circuits, as well as the screen itself. Make sure to never leave an OLED TV on with a static image for 24 hours, as this will result in burn-in.

Home 5 Guides 5 Which Type Of TV Lasts The Longest?

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