If you work from home, it’s absolutely crucial to ensure your working space is clear and tidy. A cluttered and overstuffed desk is not only annoying. It can impact your productivity. When you have to wrestle with documents, stationery and other loose items just to find space to work, you’ll find yourself quickly becoming frustrated. And frustration like that doesn’t lend itself well to an effective working experience!
But how can you avoid your desk becoming cluttered? How do you keep everything organised and close at hand on your desk? If you want to keep your office space tidy, then you’ll want to keep reading down below.
Our Reliant tech experts collected some of the top desk organisation ideas. To get you inspired, and to help get your desk space under control! Let’s get right into it!
Keep The Work Surface Clear
We recommend keeping the surface of your desk clear of any clutter as often as possible. Ensure there’s always a spot available for you to work from. This ensures you don’t have to clear the desk surface every time you sit down. When there are fewer items gathered on the desk surface, it also results in a much cleaner-looking working environment!
Organise Around Your Computer
Arguably, the computer is the most important part of your office desk. So, why not organise everything else around it?
You should make sure there is plenty of space for your computer. Especially for the screen. This allows you to work more comfortably, and without distractions in your peripheral vision!
Ensure that there is plenty of space for the computer and that the area directly ahead of it is kept clear of clutter. Preferably the screen should be positioned directly in front of your desk chair. This is more comfortable, as you won’t have to twist your back just to see the screen!
Keep Cords Under Control
Make sure to keep all of the cables from your computer and other electronics neatly organised. Unorganised cables not only take up an excess of space, but they can actually prove hazardous. When cables are left tangled up in a big bundle behind the screen, they can actually run the risk of overheating or fraying. This could put devices at risk of shorting out, or could even create a fire risk!
Cable ties and cord protectors can help to keep all of your cables organised. So that they don’t tangle up, or otherwise create a tripping hazard!
Keep Only What You Need
Don’t let clutter gather up on your desk! Make sure that anything that isn’t of the utmost importance is stored away between uses. For instance, stationery or specific documents can easily be placed into drawers and cabinets at the end of the day.
It’s useful to keep the most important items near your dominant hand. For instance, if you are right-handed, then it’s worth keeping crucial items on the right side of the desk. This allows for quick access and use, which also helps to improve productivity.
Don’t be afraid to be a little ruthless with what you allow to occupy your desk. If an item is longer of use, and may not be for some time, then it’s worth storing it safely, or disposing of it!
Make Use Of Built In Storage
If your desk has built-in storage features, like drawers and cabinets, then make sure to use them! These are fantastic for not only keeping everything organised but also keeping everything close to hand.
One drawer could be used for organising all of your important documents, while another might be used for all of your stationery. The choice is up to you!

Grab Some Small Storage Boxes
While it’s good to keep items from cluttering up your desk’s surface, make sure that you don’t simply dump them elsewhere. If your desk has built-in cabinets and drawers, then it’s worth filling them with small storage boxes. Smaller storage boxes allow you to organise your items into distinct groups. For instance, you could keep pencils organised in one box, and pens organised in another.
Small storage boxes are available in all kinds of shapes and sizes. So you can pick some that fit well into your existing storage.
Tidy At The End Of The Day
Over the course of each working day, loose items are destined to gather up on your desk. At the end of the day, you might be tempted to leave everything where it is and tidy it up another day. But, you should do your best to tidy up the day’s items before leaving your desk for the evening.
This keeps items from gathering up beyond your control. Your desk will have a fresh start every day, and you won’t have to shuffle around a pile of clutter just to find a space to work from.
Make a habit of tidying your desk at the end of each day. Anything that has gathered on the desk that isn’t totally essential can be stored elsewhere. This ensures your desk is clear the next day!
Just make a habit of storing away everything at the end of your day, and clearing away all of the non-essential items from the desk surface.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Organise My Office Desk?
Make sure to organise your office desk so that the work surface is kept clear. This not only gives you plenty of space to work, but it also enhances your productivity. When there are fewer loose items to compete with on your desk, you can keep from getting distracted and frustrated. This helps you to maintain focus!
Should My Desk Face A Window?
While it’s not totally essential for your office desk to face a window, it can be beneficial. The sunlight pouring in from your window helps to wake you up and keep you energised throughout the day. We would recommend installing some blinds, so you can block out the light if it is ever too sunny!